Friday, November 27, 2009


thanks so much to everyone who made it out last night! we had a blast and are grateful for your continued support! it was nice to see so many familiar faces. also, a big big thank you to ros at Eden Lilly, who has a heart of gold. your generosity amazes me. she dropped off some beautiful yellow roses and a stunning christmas bouquet as well. thanks for help making the store look so pretty! also, thanks to my mom for making such tasty treats. and you were right mom, we did need one more tray of rice crispy treats. she's always on the ball.

once again, we only managed to snap a few photos before the party shifted into full swing.

thanks again pals!




Victoire said...

oh man christmas rice crispies! we are totally doing that for our next party.


Dylana Suarez said...

Lovely blog!

Victoire said...

Katie, you read my mind!!