spring is in the air, and, in honour, we are having a spring contest! two lucky contestants will walk away with a lily & jae tote bag (special ones! we don't even have these for sale in our shop! jude from lily & jae gave them to us, aren't we lucky?!) and a lily & jae long scarf (in either teal or papaya, your call). and we'll also throw in a $30 gift certificate for each winner too, so you can grab a pair of vintage shoes or maybe some earrings to round out your new spring accessories.
lily and jow long scarf, $19
wanna know what you have to do? it's easy! in the comments section, link us to something that SCREAMS spring to you. be it a photograph, a song, a movie clip, something that when you see or hear, your heart goes thud thud, spring is here!
there's a 90's song that does it for me:
and remember to leave something that identifies its you, such as a first name and last initial, if you don't have a blogger account. contest runs until monday night, at midnight, and i'll announce the winners on wednesday april 14th. have fun hunting! can't wait to be inspired. xox.
Nokomis is an Ojibwa word meaning 'my grandmother’.
Our Edmonton store carries exclusively Canadian-crafted and designed clothing & accessories. Every item is handpicked to showcase the best of Canadian design talent and we like to think we have a treasure for everyone.
I can almost taste it!
sooo pretty! http://graymonk.mu.nu/photographs/bluebells/Bluebells%201.JPG
Reminds me of going for walks with my Dad in the early spring when I was a kid.
this song always makes me smile and think of spring!
emily d
arithmoquine (at) gmail (dot) com
thanks for all the links, pals!
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